
Seiji Ninmiya's daily life.

Seiji Ninomiya is 5 feet 10 and 170 pound.
People say, "Seiji ninomiya is walking statue."
He will be 60-year-old this November.
But he is young still now.
His hair is still Black as young people.
His body is so sexy.
Please look his facebook picture.
Seiji Ninomiya is very popular teen-age girls.
I don't know.
He has now a big problem.
He is suffering from sexual harassment from over 70 year-old women.
Very heavy attack.
They are dangerous monsters.
Take care if you have a good looking lover when you come Japan.


Afetr Seiji Ninomiya's Google Blog, Mr. Putin met Press.

My sweet heart, Seiji Ninomiya wrote Google blog this,
"China and Russia had better CHANGE."
After he wrote the blog, Russian president Putin met Press conference in Russian T.V.Show.
I was very surprised and recognized Seiji's big power again.
I'm felling in love Seiji Ninomiya so deeply, so heavy again.
Seiji Ninomiya is mine.
Do you know?
Don't touch him.


I loved Seiji Ninomiya yesterday. By Yuko Tanaka

I loved Seiji Ninomiya yesterday.
Nowadays Seiji's condition is no good.
Yesterday, He slept all day long.
In the night, I went his house, and said,
"Hi Seiji. I comfort you."
I put off my clothes and into his bed.
I kissed his body.
Seiji began to cry,
His body was shaking.
"Oh Seiji. Let's dance together."
I began to shake my hip.
"Oh,Yuko. Yuko. OH,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh."
He began to cry with tears.
"Feeling good Seiji?"
"Yes Yuko."
I was so exciting when I heard his words.
I began to shake my hip more and more.
Seiji shouted so heavy.
"Yuko, Yuko. Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh,"
Seiji was exciting so heavy.


I love Seiji Ninomiya so deeply.

Did you listen to Seiji Ninomiya's(Miyoshi Monty) songs in YouTube and Google blog?
I love his songs.
He is good at singing s song but also playing Harmonica and Ocarina.
i know that playing a keyboard isn't easy job.
Almost player are playing their own sounds with their left hands.
Seiji's left hand controls personal computer's sounds.
I know the balance of both hands is very hard.
And also He is singing a song.
So I love Seiji Ninomiya and his ability.
He is mine.
Don't touch him.